Monday, 10 October 2011


My Female Actor

The main actor in my music video, which will be played by my sister, has two different roles to play in the video, including a change in costume and personality.

  • In the shots that involve her being the artist of the video, I plan for her to look summery, showing a significant time difference since the couple supposedly broke up. By doing this, it also allows me to have a clear difference between the two scenes I will film.
    For this to happen successfully, it is important that I think about the weather and choose a suitable day to film  e.g. A day that it is sunny and not raining. Also, to successfully achieve this, I need to think about the costume for my actor. My initial ideas include summery dresses, particularly a maxi dress. This will be ideal because it will look good within fields/grass (idyllic setting) and will clearly connote the mood and the 'summer' feel to the shots.
    During these shots, it is important that my actor looks solemn and regrets the decision she made in the past.

  • In the other scene, in which my main actor is joined by the male lead, it is essential that the shots are set in cold weather, which can be clearly shown through a suitable costume. My initial ideas for costume include winter wear, including jumpers, coats, scarves and hats etc. This allows the audience to get the idea that the weather would be cold- referring to December.
    I would need the weather to be dull and grey, but not to be raining for most of the shots, so it is important that I choose certain days and check weather forecasts to achieve this.
    I would like for the weather to be snowy because it would clearly represent 'December' to the audience, but due to the time of the year, this is not always likely.
    During these scenes, it is essential that the actor is happy and carefree to beable to contrast directly to the mood of the actress in the other scenes.
My Male Actor

  • My male actor is only to appear in flashback shots. In these it is important that the same requirements are used for that of my female actor. This will show continuity and allow the two of the actors to be representing the same ideas.

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