How did you use media technologies in the construction and resrach, planning and evaluation stages?
Notes on this question:
- Research/Planning - The internet- used to reserach different real media products and on youtube. Advantages - quick and offers lots of information in an interactive way. Disadvantages - not always reliable and can be hard to find.
My blog - used to store my process and information for my project. Good because there is no problem with losing work, but can take time to get used to.
Programmes including Microsoft Word - used to create questionnaires, receive feedback and make notes on various things. - Construction Video Camera and Software (Windows movie maker) - A non linear editing software, which is easy and quick to use - aware of the programme before the project. Used various things on the programme, including the visual effects and speed.
Video Camera - easy and simple to use - often hard to keep still when not using a tripod.
Ipod - Used whilst filming to increase the accuracy of the lip sync
Digital Camera - Used to take images of my possible locations and for my ancillary tasks. I then had to import these onto the computer (talk about this process) - easy to use/carry out. - Specific editing site used to edit images for my ancillary tasks. Simple compared to other editing sites, especially Photoshop.
Scanner - Used to import various feedback forms and questionnaire results for audience. - This shows evidence on my blog.